
Some of our previous clients

Below are just some of the clients we’ve worked with over the years. One of the things we like most about our business is the sheer diversity of clients and industries we get to work with.

Services provided to New Scientist

  • Migrated website and FTP services from RBI managed systems to RackSpace
  • Creation of new release management tools and processes
  • Performance improvements to the existing website, including Database quiery optimation and replacement of the cache solution
  • Assisted in regular code reviews and guidance given to the junior members of the team
  • CI / CD tool development
  • Better test coverage including Behat, PHPSpec & PHPUnit tests
  • Started to replace legacy Wordpress site with Symfony4 components
  • Deployed in AWS with Elastic Beanstalk

Services provided to Squawka

  • Designed and built replacement statistics service built on Symfony3 & ElasticSearch
  • Maintainance of existing REST APIs written in Symfony2
  • Development conducted with TDD amd integrated with Travis CI
  • Assisted in regular code reviews for the wider team

Services provided to Voucher Codes

  • New Customer Rewards system built to provided specification, written in clients bespoke framework
  • Optimised existing test suit to allow better use of CI / CD tools
  • Assisted in regular code reviews for the wider team

Services provided to Cognition X

  • Advised and supported the development team on ElasticSearch including best practices, and techniques to get the most from the technology

Services provided to Rightster

  • Lead the development of an API designed to service a B2B video platform
  • Optimised existing test suit to allow better use of CI / CD tools
  • Introduced ElasticSearch into the codebase to improve video search
  • Assisted in regular code reviews for the wider team

Services provided to IPC Meda

  • Lead the development of multiple websites & the shared CMS
  • Assisted with the QA & Test Team with story collection, analysis and sizing
  • Updated and improved the an image system called MediaBank used to store and serve images for multiple websites
  • Assisted in the launch of their first mobile optimisted websites
  • Create an API in Symfony2 and MongoDB to power the mobile optimisted websites